Men's Ministry
Men of the Kingdom
The men’s ministry leads the way in support efforts – feeding and clothing – to those living in the margins in our surrounding community.
Raymond Stokes
Men’s Ministry Director
What We Do

When We Meet
The men’s ministry has a weekly “brotherhood” meeting every Saturday at 9:00 am. On the 4th Saturdays, our ministry seeks ways to share the love of Christ with the community.

Why We Do It
To disciple men and establish spiritual accountability among men for Christ’s glory.

Women's Ministry
Me, She, We.
The women’s ministry exists to disciple Kingdom women through the teaching of God’s word. We support women of all ages and stages of life inside and outside the church.
Tanisha Williams
Women’s Ministry Director
What We Do

When We Meet
The women’s ministry meets twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays @ 9:30am in the sanctuary.

Why We Do It
The women’s ministry is needed to encourage one another to grow in Christ-likeness.